
1. 只要天氣一冷,我朋友就會找我去吃麻辣火鍋。
Whenever the weather is cold, my friend invites me to have spicy hot pot together.
When the weather gets cold, I have a friend who regularly invites me out to have spicy hot pot.
2. 我不是不喜歡麻辣火鍋啦,只是我每次都會有「後火鍋」問題。每次吃麻辣火鍋都會讓我拉肚子和肚子痛。
Not that I don't like spicy hot pot, but I always have post-hot-pot problems. Eating spicy hot pot always causes me to have diarrhea and cramps.
I don't dislike spicy hot pot, but I always have problems after eating it. Every time that I eat hot pot, it always causes me to have diarrhea and a stomachache
3. 我覺得麻辣火鍋用的食材還蠻好吃的,像高麗菜、鴨血,還有貢丸和香菇等。
I think the materials in a spicy hot pot are delicious, such as cabbage, congealed duck blood, pork meatballs, and mushrooms, etc.
I think the ingredients in spicy hot pot, such as cabbage, congealed duck blood, pork meatballs and mushrooms, are all delicious.
4. 不過如果他們能不用那麼辣的鍋底的話會比較好。我比較喜歡清淡一點的食物,好比說,不會辣的麻辣火鍋。
But I'll really appreciate if they don't use such spicy broth. I prefer lighter food, say, a spicy hot pot that is not spicy.
I would really appreciate it if they didn't use such a spicy broth. I prefer food that's a little blander, for instance, hot pot that isn't spicy.
5. 我能說什麼呢?我又不是死忠的麻辣火鍋迷。
What can I say? I'm not a die-hard spicy hot pot fan.
What can I say? I'm just not a die-hard fan of spicy hot pot.

1. invite (v.): 邀請
2. regularly (adv.): 經常地,有規律地
3. diarrhea (n.): 腹瀉
4. cramp (n.):(腹)絞痛,抽筋
5. congealed (adj.): 凝固的,凝結的
6. broth (n.): 湯底,鍋底
7. bland (adj.): 溫和的
8. die-hard (adj.): 死硬派的


1. 當受詞的that名詞字句中, that可以省略掉

EX: I heard (that) you got sick yesterday.

2. that子句作補語

EX: It is not that I don't like it.

      My dream that I pass the exam will come true.

3. 關係代名詞(who,that)後面如果有主詞,就可以省。

    創作者 Honey 的頭像

    I'm Honey!

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